Quran those who remain silent when muslims being killed
Quran those who remain silent when muslims being killed

quran those who remain silent when muslims being killed

Muslims also face pressure and threats of violence to provide inaccurate and positively biased explanations of Islam’s history. Muslims do not want Kafirs to understand all of Islam as it is repellant. Bill Warner Is One of the Best Sources of Information on Islamīeing a non-Muslim, Bill Warner can far more accurately explain the history of Islam than any Muslim. It is also why most Muslims are unreliable sources of information on Islam. This is why this video made by a non-Muslim is far more accurate than any video made by a Muslim on the topic of Islamic slavery. Therefore, lying to them is of course small potatoes. Kafirs are considered lower than dogs or pigs and it is protected under Sharia law to rape them, and even to murder them. Islam sees itself in perpetual jihad (struggle) against the Kafir. Lying to the Kafir is called Taqiyya, which is considered a virtue in Islam and is used to advance Islam’s cause.

quran those who remain silent when muslims being killed

See our references for this article and related articles at this link. This is one of the many things that Muslims don’t want non-Muslims to know about. Islam comes out and tells its followers to lie to non-Muslims.

  • This lying strategy is common to many religions, but Islam may be the most explicit in calling for the practice to deceive non-believers.
  • Muslims follow a strategy of lying to non-Muslims as laid out by Mohammed.
  • Last Updated on by Shaun Snapp Executive Summary

    Quran those who remain silent when muslims being killed